Hama Hama (male)
1985 | South Korea
Residential Area
South Korea, Seoul
Interests about Korea
About me
Hamahama is the travel company for foreigners coming to Korea, who not only do we want to work for you in our professional capacity, but become like true friends. www.hamahama.kr
Favorite Korean Movie
Il mare
Favorite Korean Entertainer
Big Bang , SNSD , B.A.P , SHINee , Beast , Superjr
Favorite Korean Drama
iris , dream high , jumong , daejangkum ,
Favorite Place in Korea
Jeju island,Gang-nam city,historical sites,concert
Favorite Korean Food
Korean-style food,Street food,local food
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hama hama? what is all about? interesting..... ejane hornilla 2013-07-06
hi , how are you today ? have you facebook ?my facebook is http://www.facebook.com/#!/wijdanjbr noor jbr 2013-03-17
hi! nice to meet you! ^_^ ana brest michel mercado 2013-03-16
hi nice to meet you , thank you for add me noor jbr 2013-03-15
Hello. Thank you for having asked me the friendship My name is Federica but my friends call me just Fede Nice to meet you:) Federica De Iudicibus 2013-03-09